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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello! I'm blogging live! We will be monitoring the world of gift giving as we open our new store: Clich'e Noe.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Response to SCA about City of Santa Rosa

What should SR keep doing?
What do they need to differently?
What specific story positive or negative can you share?

I appreciate your request and here is my modest response to the questions asked. I would be happy to sit on any citizens committee that is addressing the outcome of this survey directly.
Leadership- I do appreciate seeing city officials showing up to events. And being members of business organizations such as the Sonoma County Alliance.
Clean streets-I appreciate the enforcement efforts of local police. I see relatively little gang presence, and a small portion of our citizens are ‘bums’ even though we have our share of homeless. At least during office hours.
Parking-I give this a 50/50 rating. The meters are a bit frustrating, ( why does the meter have to authorize your credit card twice?) but they seem to be accurate and I’ve yet to receive a ticket! I appreciate the quantity of parking there are plenty of convenient choices.
Attracting new business / recognizing small business. There is a trend, especially downtown of incubator companies reaching out to other companies trying to establish themselves in commerce. The City could provide better recognition and therefore bigger visibility, to these businesses. (Ex: Go Local / Share Exchange.) I realize there is a modicum of participation but at the same time we all could use more marketing. Shop Local, Stay Local is a fine message that can not be repeated enough however, as a campaign it is not targeted enough to Santa Rosa specifically.
I have enjoyed establishing my office just under two years ago, in the downtown area of Fifth Street. I have seen new business sprouting up and after the ‘fall’ of 2009 this seems a great indicator. ( SMART offices, El Qoqui, Darcy’s Jewelers, salons, and a cup cake shop and more, we even have a website What Santa Rosa City should keep doing is talking, reaching out, and listening.

As an afterthought; I was invited to participate in the Economic Development RFP for a marketing campaign designing multi-media to address the need I noted above, however I am too small a company. I still believe that a panel of local business and marketing professionals would be better equipped to interpret the necessary messaging. My thought was to develop a ‘dream team’ of local media assembled with innovative ideas and strategies, combined with a project management model instead of choosing just one firm. That of course, would have favored my business.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Dani Sheehan-Meyer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Widgets and wondering

I do think that Social Media is here to stay, however I have noticed in the last year, an evolution of communication that can't be all good! Widgets to blogs, blogs to tweets, LinkedIn, etc. But still the Mac and the PC battle each other for control of distinction. Hey, I just work here...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A blah blog is about to change!

Scoop of the day: is a new information site for social media from getting started to experts taking SM to the next level. I attended a conference in Seattle this past weekend and truly, I am more inspired than I was previously to post short, relevant blogs to my friends on a regular basis. We will talk about client success, strategy, and maybe just a wee bit 'o wisdom from this media crone.